








  • Sunday, 16. March 2025 15:28

Item History


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
03.03.16 Ragganmore icon Contained Fel Orb Locket 0 HFC Mythic 0
03.03.16 Drønjak icon Cursed Blood Bracers 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
03.03.16 Shadrasi icon Cord of Unhinged Malice 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
03.03.16 Sapht icon Dessicated Soulrender Slippers 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
28.02.16 Nereyá Ravenous Girdle 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
28.02.16 Vestalia Spur of the Great Devourer 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
23.02.16 Nireya Contemptuous Wristguards 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
24.01.16 Dracoonia Oppressor's Merciless Treads 0 HFC Mythic BiS 10
24.01.16 Drønjak Satin Gloves of Injustice 0 HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
24.01.16 Euronymous Warhammer of Arrogance 0 HFC Mythic BiS 10
14.01.16 Vestalia Cloak of Hideous Unity HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
14.01.16 Nireya Bloody Dagger-Heeled Pumps HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
14.01.16 Rása Belt of Misconceived Loyalty HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
14.01.16 Smîlo Cloak of Desperate Temerity HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
14.01.16 Lîcîa Tunic of the Soulbinder HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
14.01.16 Izulia Pristine Man'ari Cuffs HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
14.01.16 Rása Helm of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
14.01.16 Lîcîa Toxicologist's Treated Boots HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
14.01.16 Rása Mirror of the Blademaster HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
14.01.16 Dracoonia Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
14.01.16 Dracoonia Spiked Irontoe Slippers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
20.12.15 Cyprain Gauntlets of Hellfire's Protector HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
20.12.15 Lîcîa Gauntlets of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
20.12.15 Euronymous Saber of Twisted Virtue HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
20.12.15 Sapht Pristine Man'ari Cuffs HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
20.12.15 Kampfknödel Tunic of the Soulbinder HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
20.12.15 Euronymous Soulbinder's Greatcloak HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
20.12.15 Toboss Unblinking Gaze of Sethe HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
20.12.15 Kampfknödel Anzu's Cursed Plume HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
20.12.15 Shadrasi Raiment of Divine Clarity HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Dracoonia Leggings of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
17.12.15 Euronymous Unending Hunger HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Toboss Helm of Hellfire's Protector HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
17.12.15 Sapht Helm of Hellfire's Conqueror HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
17.12.15 Euronymous Shadowgorged Iron Choker HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Toboss Runeaxe of the Breaker HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Toboss Runeaxe of the Breaker HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Lîcîa Imbued Stone Sigil HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
17.12.15 Dracoonia Toxicologist's Treated Boots HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
17.12.15 Izulia Ancient Gorestained Wrap HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
17.12.15 Toboss Shawl of Sanguinary Ritual HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
17.12.15 Drønjak Cursed Blood Bracers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Euronymous Flanged Gasket HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
17.12.15 Cyprain Felforged Aegis HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
17.12.15 Toboss Torch-Brazed Waistguard HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
17.12.15 Nireya Felgrease-Smudged Robes HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
13.12.15 Rása Gauntlets of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
13.12.15 Izulia Gauntlets of Hellfire's Conqueror HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
13.12.15 Tpian Seal of the Traitorous Councilor HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
13.12.15 Lîcîa Contained Fel Orb Locket HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Toboss Surefooted Chain Treads HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Rása Cloak of Desperate Temerity HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Shadrasi Leggings of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Rása Leggings of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Vestalia Gibbering Madness HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Rása Flayed Demonskin Belt HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
10.12.15 Euronymous Intuition's Gift HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Lîcîa Bite of the Bleeding Hollow HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Rása Rune Infused Spear HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Smîlo Helm of Hellfire's Protector HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Lîcîa Helm of Hellfire's Vanquisher HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Smîlo Mirror of the Blademaster HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
10.12.15 Euronymous Mindbender's Flameblade HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
10.12.15 Toboss Die-Cast Ringmail Sabatons HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Drønjak Pedal-Pushing Sandals HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
10.12.15 Cyprain Sootstained Felsworn Signet HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
10.12.15 Rása Mar'tak's Rugged Seal HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
03.12.15 Tpian Glowing Firestone HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
03.12.15 Izulia Cord of Unhinged Malice HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
03.12.15 Kampfknödel Bloodcult Bracers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
03.12.15 Sapht Shawl of Sanguinary Ritual HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
03.12.15 Toboss Pauldrons of Rapid Coagulation HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
03.12.15 Sapht Cursed Blood Bracers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
03.12.15 Shadrasi Cursed Blood Bracers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
03.12.15 Shadrasi Iron Reaver Piston HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
03.12.15 Nireya Iron Reaver Piston HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
03.12.15 Vestalia Pedal-Pushing Sandals HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
03.12.15 Izulia Flickering Felspark HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
01.12.15 Drønjak Stulpen des Höllenfeuerbezwingers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
01.12.15 Shadrasi Stulpen des Höllenfeuerbezwingers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
01.12.15 Lîcîa Tunika des Seelenbinders HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
01.12.15 Smîlo Kettengelenkschützer des Befallenen HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
29.11.15 Euronymous Gelenkplatte des Elenden HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
29.11.15 Izulia Amicia der Trugkräfte HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
29.11.15 Lîcîa Anzus verfluchte Feder HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
29.11.15 Nireya Peiniger des großen Verschlingers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
29.11.15 Drønjak Gamaschen des Höllenfeuerbezwingers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
29.11.15 Sapht Gamaschen des Höllenfeuereroberers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
29.11.15 Kampfknödel Gezackter Dämonenzahnring HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
29.11.15 Smîlo Gezackter Dämonenzahnring HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
26.11.15 Cyprain Gedankenschnitzer des gefallenen Kriegsherren HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
26.11.15 Kampfknödel Armschienen des Blutkults HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
26.11.15 Rása Biss des Blutenden Auges HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
26.11.15 Lîcîa Durchdrungenes Steinsiegel HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
26.11.15 Fîre Helm des Höllenfeuerbeschützers HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
26.11.15 Drønjak Schlickbedeckte Gelenkbänder HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
26.11.15 Ragganmore Lodernde Dämonenschaftklinge HFC Mythic HFC Mythic 0
26.11.15 Ragganmore Gestanzte Teufelsstahlbrustplatte HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
26.11.15 Drønjak Pulverversengte Armschienen HFC Mythic HFC Mythic BiS 10
19.11.15 Smîlo Schulterstücke der Schnellgerinnung HFC Mythic HFC Mythic Firstneed 1
... found 124 unique items / 100 per page


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